Discovering the Book of Genesis:
Seeing the Source of All Things
Discovering the Book of Psalms:
Seeing the Needs of Mankind Met
Discovering World Empires of the Bible:
Seeing What Daniel Saw: Neo-Babylonia Through Rome
Discovering the Gospel of Matthew:
Seeing the King and Hearing His Words
Discovering the Gospel of Mark:
Seeing Authority in the Work of The Servant
Discovering Corinth and the Letters:
Seeing the Supremacy of the Savior
Discovering Ephesus and the Letter:
Seeing the Wonders of the World Wither
Discovering Philippi and the Letter:
Seeing the Joy of Fellowship in Service
Discovering Colossae and the Letter:
Seeing Christ: His Proper Place and Ours
Discovering the Letter to the Hebrews:
Seeing the Superior High Priest
Discovering Peter and His Letters:
Seeing Changes in Peter and Changes in Me
Discovering the Revelation:
Seeing the Savior and the Victory John Saw
Discovering Leviticus:
Seeing the Holy Relationship
Discovering the Tabernacle and the Pattern:
Seeing God Dwell with Men
Discovering Judges:
Seeing the Authority and The Deliverer
Discovering the Kings of the Divided Monarchy:
Seeing Departure from God and Its Consequences