Discovering the Gospel of Mark:

Seeing Authority in the Work of the Servant


It is very helpful for us to understand the background and circumstances of not only the writer, but the first readers, too. As we study Mark’s account of Jesus and His work of service, the context will help bring to life some great themes of this gospel, especially the themes of power, authority, and service.

What a wonderful and powerful God to provide us His word in this fashion! Different men with differing perspectives all writing in unity, yet writing to bring understanding to all men whether Jew or gentile, whether of the first century, the twenty-first century, or of any era!

Read and meditate on Mark’s gospel before you begin this study. Sometimes, other gospels will be referenced in the “Steps” of this book, but try to “discover” the themes that Mark presents by spending time within his account. Make notes, make outlines, use the “Steps” of this study to help focus on God’s word. In His word you will see the “Authority in the Work of the Servant”—our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ.

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