Discovering Corinth and the Letters:

Seeing the Supremacy of the Savior


God has always intended for man to understand His will. Hundreds of times throughout Scripture, He has expressed the idea of understanding. It is summed up concisely in the letter to the Ephesians—“So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (Ephesians 5:17).

To understand we must read, meditate, and study. God also reiterates this in His word. To truly come to an understanding, we must take God’s word for what it says, then come to a knowledge of the context and vocabulary. To accomplish this, we must use sound discernment—more often referred to as “common sense.” While it is true that God’s “thoughts are higher than our thoughts,” He nonetheless has made His word available to us in a perfectly logical format.

The immediate thought that comes to the minds of most Bible students when asked about the letters that Paul wrote to the Corinthian Christians is the thought of problems among that group of believers—even to the point of Paul defending his apostleship. Indeed, this church had plenty of problems and these letters do address them, but there is a vital theme that runs throughout. It is the affirmation of the answer to all of the problems—the Savior is supreme. In fact, this is really the answer to any problem—God is supreme; His way is the best way; His way is the right way; His way is the only way. We will see this theme develop all of the way through both of these inspired letters.

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