Colossae, in many senses, seemed to have an identity crisis. The people of the city could never quite seem to figure out who they were economically, politically, or religiously. Part of the problem, economically and politically, was that they had difficulty “finding their place” with their prominent neighbors Laodicea and Heirapolis. Religiously, the problem was that they were somewhat lax and ambivalent. They were, at times, recognized for their angel worship, but even in that, they failed to see the order of things. The Christians who lived there needed to be reminded, as do all of us, as to what our place is, and most importantly, the place of our Savior.
The theme of the letter to the Christians at Colossae becomes very apparent when reading. In these few short chapters, the subject is mentioned more than thirty times. The subject, of course, is Jesus. Students and scholars have at various times noted that Colossians is the most Christ-centered book in the Bible. One has only to look at a few verses to see why this assessment is given. Paul places a great emphasis on Christ and His preeminence in all things and the salvation He provides.
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